0 Most Uncommon, Weird, Unsual English Words - With meaning and Usage of the Sentence

Most Uncommon, Weird, Unsual English Words - With meaning and Usage of  the Sentence:

1. Abacinate
To blind by putting red-hot copper basin near the eyes
Example: The prisoners were abacinated by their captors.

2. Lamprophony
Loudness and clarity of voice
Example: One factor why he won the oratorical contest is his lamprophony in speaking.

3. Abbozzo
Preliminary sketch
Example: I finished the abbozzo of the Mona Lisa which is quite difficult to finalize. 

4. Finnimbrun
A trinket or knick-knack. Something that is not important or means no much.
a small ornament, piece of  jewelry, etc., usually of little value.
Example:  I was almost lured into the tourist trinket shops.

5. floccinaucinihilipilification
Estimation that something is valueless. Proper pronunciation based on Latin roots: flockə-nowsə-nəkələ-pələ-fək-ation.
Example:  It is often acceptable that floccinaucinihilipilification of a cent has no means to the standard peso bill.

6. Inaniloquent
Pertaining to idle talk
Example:  I have spent my writings as an inaniloquent from mine.

7. Limerance
An attempt at a scientific study into the nature of romantic love.
Example:  The scientist did such limerance by proving their theory of love.

8. Mesonoxian
Pertaining to midnight
Example:  I love to surf the internet until mesonoxian.

9. Cacography
Bad handwriting or Spelling
Example: I have lower grades on our informal theme in English subject due to my cacography.

10. Nihilarian
A person who deals with things lacking importance (pronounce the ‘h’ like a ‘k’).
Example:  He was a nihilarian addict that never mind about nature of life.
11. Nudiustertian
The day before yesterday
Example:  What's happening on nudiustertian?

12. Phenakism
Deception or trickery
Example:  Magician show his magic with phenakism.

13. Pronk
A weak or foolish person
Example: Even he is a pronk but he can still read and write to his special someone seriously. 

14. Pulveratricious
Covered with dust
Example:  I like the anime character of "madara uchicha" on Naruto Shippuden in which he protects himself through pulveratricious defense.

15. Rastaquouere
A social climber
Example:  I once was  a rastaquouere in my dream.

16. Scopperloit
Rude or rough play
Example:  Ultimate Fighting Championship is a mix martial arts sports which is a very scopperloit on the athlete.

17. Selcouth
Unfamiliar, rare, strange, marvelous, wonderful.
Example: The Cordova Public Web is such a selcouth website!

18. Tyrotoxism
To be poisoned by cheese
Example: I attempted the rat to be in tyrotoxism but the rat ate a lot.

19. Widdiful
Someone who deserves to be hanged
Example: Some people say that it is widdiful for murderer as a penalty even it is against the natural law.

20. Zabernism
The abuse of military power or authority.
Example: Adolf Hitler was the most feared person on world war 2 as he did zabernism.